
Internet Protocol Address 

We collect an IP address and linked data from all visitors to our site. An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the internet. We use IP addresses and associated data to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our site, analyse trends, track users’ movement, gather broad demographic information for aggregate use in order for us to improve the site, and deliver customised, personalised content. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. 

Use of “Cookies” 

Our site may use cookies to enhance your experience. Cookies are pieces of information that some websites transfer to the computer that is browsing that website and are used for record-keeping purposes at many websites. Use of cookies makes web-surfing easier by performing certain functions such as saving your passwords, your personal preferences regarding your use of the website and to make sure you don’t see the same ad repeatedly. Many consider the use of cookies to be an industry standard. Your browser is probably set to accept cookies. However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of our site will not function properly when you view them. 


All information provided to International China Concern is transmitted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. SSL is a proven coding system that lets your browser automatically encrypt, or scramble, data before you send it to us. We also protect account information by placing it on a secure portion of our site that is only accessible by certain qualified employees of International China Concern. Unfortunately, however, no data transmission over the internet is 100% secure. While we strive to protect your information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of such information. 

Other Websites 

Our site contains links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are entering another website for which International China Concern has no responsibility. We encourage you to read the privacy statements on all such sites as their policies may be different to ours. 

Contacting the Website 

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, you can send us a message.  International China Concern uses the services of a range of third party provides on this website to collect and process transactions. You will need to contact these providers directly for their Privacy Policies.

The providers include (but are not limited to) the following: FundraiseUp, GiftTool, Raisely, Charities Aid Foundation, Mollie.



The Policy below deals with how we approach complaints or negative feedback about us. It is open for use by members of the public, volunteers or staff and involves five key elements:

  1. Culture. Our aim is to serve our stakeholders to the best of our ability. We accept that we are not perfect. We value complaints and feedback as a means of identifying and understanding how we can do things better.
  2. Principles. Our complaints and feedback system is modelled on biblical principles, including humility, fairness, accessibility, responsiveness, efficiency and integration.
  3. People. Our complaint handling staff will be skilled and professional.
  4. Process. Our complaints handling process involves seven stages – acknowledgment, assessment, planning, investigation, response, review, and consideration of systemic issues.
  5. Analysis. We review information about complaints as part of a continuous process of review and improvement.

We discuss these elements in more detail below:

Element 1—Culture

We are committed to achieving our Mission and Vision ( We are equally committed to doing so in the best way possible, and without concern or hurt for any of the people we deal with. We know that despite our best efforts, we are not perfect and that we can always do better.

Accordingly, we value complaints and feedback and recognise that effective complaint handling will benefit our stakeholders, our reputation, and our administration. We affirm that complaints can highlight weaknesses in our programs, policies, and service delivery, and stimulate us to improve our operations. We also affirm that good complaint handling will reassure stakeholders that we are committed to resolving problems, improving relations, and building loyalty, and to improving our accountability and transparency.

Element 2—Principles

Our complaint and feedback handling system are based on biblical principles, modelled on principles of fairness, accessibility, responsiveness and efficiency. Complaint handling has the same priority as our core business. Each complaint will be assessed on its own merits. As far as possible confidentiality and privacy will be maintained, and we will be transparent in reporting back results to you as quickly as reasonably possible. It is our aim to resolve all complaints as quickly and efficiently as possible. For example, if they can be resolved over the phone at the time they are made, we will do so.

We will not victimise or treat any person adversely because they have made a complaint. There is no financial charge for making a complaint. If you have special needs (e.g. non English speaking background or a physical impairment), please let us know and we will do our best to assist you.

You may initiate a complaint or feedback by email, or letter – see the contact details below. If you wish to make your complaint or provide feedback anonymously, it will still receive our genuine attention, although of course we will be unable to report back or seek further information which may be able to assist us in dealing with any issue. We are happy to deal directly with you, o or through a parent, guardian, friend, or adviser.

Element 3—People

We take complaints and feedback seriously. All complaints will be investigated with complete impartiality by a staff member or Board member who is not personally involved in the issues, or by an external consultant or adviser. In matters of great significance, we may outsource the handling of a complaint to an external adviser or consultant, to whom we will give complete co-operation.

Element 4—Process

Our standard complaint handling procedures are as follows (although we reserve the right to approach a complaint more flexibly if we think it will achieve a more just and efficient outcome):

We will acknowledge each complaint promptly and give you the contact details of the person handling the complaint, ideally within 2 business days of the complaint being received. If we have not finalised your complaint within 7 days after that, we will contact you to report our progress.

We will assess the complaint and assign it priority.

If investigation is required, we will plan how the investigation is to be carried out.

We will investigate all relevant factual issues and then review the complaint in light of those facts. We will then consider options for complaint resolution.

We will contact you to discuss the complaint. In doing so we will inform you of the relevant facts we have identified and ask you to comment and/or give us any other relevant information you may have. We will then discuss with you how we propose to resolve the complaint. If we were wrong or have acted inappropriately, we will apologize.

If you are not satisfied with the proposed resolution, the relevant Board Chair will review the position, and we will contact you appropriately. If you are still not satisfied, and we believe that there are genuine issues involved, we may suggest an externally facilitated mediation or similar (for example in Australia PeaceWise ( or similar). Alternatively, you may pursue any other action which you believe is appropriate.

We will act on any systemic issues that are identified because of the complaint or feedback.

(Note – if we reasonably believe that a complaint is vexatious, trivial, or not genuine we will inform you accordingly as soon as we form that view. If you wish to take matters further, you may pursue any other action which you believe is appropriate.)

Element 5—Analysis

We appreciate that complaints and feedback can provide an insight into our programs and services and may show that they are not working as well as they might. We will use information brought to light by any complaints and feedback to improve our service to our stakeholders by:

highlighting service failings that need to be remedied; and

revealing problems and trends that can be acted on by management

We will address these with the relevant National Office or international team any significant issues which are revealed by our complaints handling and feedback procedures.

Contact Details:

Trent Frecklington, International Operations Director

ICC International, Room1208 Tung Che Commercial Centre, 246 Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

or email

Or contact a National Office near you – see our Contact us page (

Child Protection Policy

Child & Young Adults Protection Policy

In some regions of the world this is referred to as Safeguarding and refers to any person in our care or program.

International China Concern believes protecting children from the risk of harm is a responsibility that we must all undertake. We are committed to a pro-active role that will protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse.

This policy will help to foster a safe and positive environment for children and provide guidance to all international and field staff (staff) on the acceptable behaviours and appropriate boundaries when working with children.

International China Concern will ensure that all staff and visitors are aware of this policy and commitment to ensuring risks of abuse to our children are minimised. We will ensure our staff are clear what steps to take when concerns arise regarding the safety of our children and understand that we will respond immediately to investigate concerns raised.

Definition of Terminology: The terminology of child/children covers all residents within an International Child Concern project regardless of age, sex, physical or mental capacity.

Our values, principles and beliefs require staff and volunteers to:

  • Treat every child with dignity and respect at all times.
  • Conduct themselves in a manner consistent with their position as a positive role model to children.
  • Immediately raise concerns for the safety or well-being of a child in line with the International China Concern reporting procedure.
  • Listen to our children and take any concerns raised seriously.
  • Be visible when working with children, endeavouring to ensure that other adults are present when working with children and avoiding being alone with them.
  • Work in partnership with carers and/or other professionals to ensure the protection of children.
  • Not personally criticise a staff member for perceived actions towards a child but follow defined reporting processes for alleged incidents.

International China Concern staff and volunteers will not:

  • Engage in any behaviour that is intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children.
  • Use language, make suggestions or offer advice that is inappropriate, offensive or abusive.
  • Smack, hit, physically assault children or apply extreme physical or emotional discipline measures.
  • Develop sexual relationships with children nor any kind of relationship that is deemed exploitative or abusive.
  • Spend excessive time alone with children away from others.
  • Act in ways that may be abusive or place a child at risk of abuse.
  • Behave physically in a manner that is inappropriate or sexually provocative.
  • Take children to their own home without prior approval by the relative project manager.
  • Sleep in the same bed as children.
  • Purposely neglect a child outside of recognised and approved palliative care systems. Palliative care must be approved by the relative Project Manager prior to implementation. Neglect extends to withholding food, fluids, basic care, necessary medical treatment, or provision of adequate clothing to meet basic needs.

Upon an allegation being made the International China Concern Project Manager in conjunction with the China Operations Director will put in place an action plan to ensure the safety of the child as a priority.

Disciplinary procedures will be applied to staff who have been found to have acted outside our policy guidelines. Where dictated by in-country laws, confirmed instances will be reported to welfare centre and/or legal authorities.

Consensual Relationships

While we recognise the right of a young adult to engage in relationships once past the lawful age of consent, staff may not at any time engage in any consensual relationships due to the ethical nature of the relationship between staff and care recipient. Relationships of this nature may not result in legal prosecution however they will lead to dismissal and/or removal from working on our projects.



Thank you for choosing to partner with us. Your trust and confidence are important to us. International China Concern has created this Privacy Policy to explain why we collect information and how we will protect your personal privacy within our website. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for the website located at the URL 

To fully understand your rights, we encourage you to read this Privacy Policy. International China Concern reserves the right at any time, and without notice, to change this Privacy Policy simply by posting such changes on our site. Any change will be effective immediately upon posting. Because we want to demonstrate our commitment to your privacy, this Privacy Policy notifies you of:

  1. What personally identifiable information of yours is collected through the site 
  2. Who collects such information
  3. How such information is used 
  4. With whom your information may be shared 
  5. What choices you have regarding collection, use and distribution of your information 
  6. What kind of security procedures are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under our control
  7. How you can correct any inaccuracies in your information.

Questions regarding this statement should be directed to International China Concern by sending us a message. Please reference this Privacy Policy in your message.

 What Information We Collect and How We Use That Information 

Our registration forms require users to give us contact information that may include name, email address, format preference (HTML vs. text), address, interests, credit card number and similar information. We do not request or store sensitive information from our visitors, such as Social Insurance Numbers or other unrelated data. 

Information collected from donors is used to process their gift, including the sending of an acknowledgement and tax receipt and to advise the sponsored registrant of the gift. Donors have the right to request and receive anonymity for their gift. No information collected is sold, rented or exchanged with any third party.

Removing Your Name from Our Mailing List 

You can be removed from any future communications from our ministry by contacting us and sending us a message. If you determine that information in our database is inaccurate or it has changed, please contact your national office, or send us a message

International Administration:

Room 1208, Tung Che Commercial Centre

246 Des Voeux Road West

Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

Legal Matters

International China Concern Limited is a charitable institution granted tax-exempt status under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong. 

Company Register Number: 563347

IRD Charity Number: 91/04700

Office Address:

Room 1208, Tung Che Commercial Centre

246 Des Voeux Road West

Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong

Registered Office

c/o LL. B. Accounting Services Limited
608 Laford Centre
838 Lai Chi Kok Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong

International China Concern (Child Care) Ltd is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. 
Registered Charity Number 1104182
Registered Number 4581218 

International China Concern has national offices registered in the following countries: 

Australia: International China Concern (Australia) Ltd., a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission ABN 30 091 040 649. 

Canada: International China Concern Canada, a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, number 86737 0645 RR0001. 

Hong Kong: International China Concern Hong Kong Limited, a charitable institution granted tax-exempt status under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Charity Number with IRD: 91/11854

Nederland : Stichting International China Concern, a registered charity with ANBI status, RSIN: 8091.50.219.

United Kingdom: International China Concern, a registered charity in England and Wales, number 1164736. 

United States of America: Registered Name ‘American Friends of ICC’ (AFICC). AFICC is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible in full or in part. Company number 31-1706836

 Funds Management

To ensure all funds donated to ICC are used for the purposes for which they are given, ICC management retains full control over all funds and their disbursement. Funds are never handed over to third parties and our processes undertake audit procedures each year to ensure the integrity of use.

International China Concern is a Christian development organisation with a mission to provide love, hope and opportunity to children with disabilities and strives to end abandonment by keeping families together. Your gift will help to accomplish this mission, making a very real difference in the lives of many children and young people.

Should funds raised within your designated area of giving exceed the amount required, ICC will redirect funds to a similar item or programme.


The website is intended for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use other than for personal purpose including but not limited to altering, downloading, copying or transmitting any material, reproducing or reposting it should obtain prior permission from ICC. If such permission is granted, the source should be acknowledged appropriately. For enquiry on usage for purposes other than personal and non-commercial, please contact us in advance. Any violations of the above may subject the user to legal action by International China Concern.

Gericht op Hoop
Gedreven Door Liefde

Een vernieuwende leider in meelevende zorg

Dertig jaar van pionierende zorg

Vanaf haar nederige begin is ICC uitgegroeid tot een betrouwbare voorstander en vernieuwende leider in het aanbieden van meelevende zorg voor kinderen met beperkingen. Meer dan 30 jaar zijn duizenden levens van kwetsbare kinderen veranderd door de belangrijke diensten die wij bieden.

In het voortdurend veranderende sociale landschap in China, staat ICC’s liefdevolle zorg model voor een nieuwe standaard van steun en bekrachtiging van kinderen met beperkingen. Ons toegewijde team van fysiotherapeuten en ergotherapeuten, speciaal onderwijs docenten, sociale werkers, beroepstrainers en medische staf werkt onvermoeibaar om kinderen een leven te geven van hoop, waardigheid en mogelijkheden.

Een Enkele Daad van Medeleven

In 1993 werd een pasgeboren meisje verlaten en naar een Chinees weeshuis gebracht. Gelovend dat een enkele daad van medeleven verschil zou kunnen maken, bracht David Gotts de baby, die hij Rose noemde, naar een ziekenhuis in de buurt voor behandeling. Ze stierf later die nacht.

Rose leefde minder dan 24 uur, maar haar korte leven raakte Davids hart en inspireerde een toewijding aan compassie en zorg. Toen hij de ellende in het weeshuis had gezien, was het leven van David voor altijd veranderd. Deze kostbare kinderen waren niet langer babies zonder naam en gezicht. Voor mij werden ze allemaal zoals Rose was geweest: een kostbaar leven om voor te vechten.

Het begin van ICC

International China Concern werd later dat jaar opgericht.

Gedreven door de wens om Gods liefde te delen met alle kinderen in China met beperkingen - vooral die kinderen die verlaten waren - opende ICC het eerste centrum in China dat was gericht op therapie en onderwijs. Erkend door de Chinese overheid en andere non-profit organisaties in het land, heeft ICC’s revolutionaire aanpak een diepe en blijvende impact gemaakt op de zorg voor kinderen met beperkingen.

Het krachtige verhaal van baby Rose en ICC’s werk om kinderen met beperkingen in China te ondersteunen is de kern van het boek - “China’s Oasis: Love, hope, and opportunity for the hidden children of China” (China’s Oase: Liefde, hoop en mogelijkheden voor de verborgen kinderen van China)

Een leven van kansen Is mogelijk

Ieder kind verdient een hoopvolle toekomst en de kans om zijn of haar mogelijkheden ten volle te benutten.

Verandering bewerkstelligen

ICC geeft zorg aan kinderen en jong volwassenen met beperkingen, of ze nu wonen bij hun familie,
in een groepshuis of op weg zijn naar volwassenheid.

Families herstellen

Voor kinderen met beperkingen in China, zijn ondersteunende diensten pijnlijk afwezig, zijn financiële zorgen voor hun families overal en een terneerdrukkend sociaal stigma vernietigt hoop voor de toekomst. ICC’s Familie Partners Programma herstelt en versterkt kwetsbare families met de zorg en de instrumenten die ze nodig hebben om te groeien.

Serving Children
Without Families

Sommige overweldigde ouders maken de vreselijke keuze om hun kind weg te geven aan de zorg van de staat. ICC komt naast deze kinderen staan om familie stijl zorg te bieden in een groepshuis omgeving. Naast het proberen om een nieuwe familie voor hen te vinden, … bieden we een breed spectrum aan ondersteunende diensten zoals therapie, onderwijs, medische zorg en beroepstraining.

Jong Volwassenen Toerusten

Als kinderen volwassen worden, biedt ICC’s Pathways programma levensvaardigheden en beroepstraining. Jong volwassenen met beperkingen kunnen een doel, onafhankelijkheid en een waardige toekomst vinden door werkmogelijkheden in de maatschappij of in één van de sociale ondernemingen van ICC.

Ontvang een exemplaar van China’s Oasis

Een inspirerend verhaal van liefde, hoop en mogelijkheden voor de verlaten kinderen van China.

Op de jonge leeftijd van 22, was David Gotts geshockeerd door de toestand van de kinderen in een Chinees zorgcentrum dat hij bezocht. International China Concern (ICC) werd geboren op de dag dat hij Rose, een stervende baby, in zijn armen hield. Dit ontroerende verhaal omvat vijfentwintig jaar van zorg voor verlaten kinderen met beperkingen in China. China’s Oasis zal u ontroeren en inspireren als u degenen ontmoet die hun leven hebben toegewijd aan het dienen van de verborgen kinderen van China, die uw hart zullen veroveren vanaf de eerste pagina’s.

“Dit was een ongelofelijk en inspirerend verhaal! Ik beveel het van harte aan!” - Ingo, Canada

“Eén van de beste boeken die ik heb gelezen. ICC is verbazingwekkend.” - Holly, USA

Hoe U Kunt Helpen


van iedere euro die u geeft gaat direct naar onze programma’s

Uw liefde, samen met onze zorgzame en innovatieve benadering geeft
mogelijkheden aan kinderen met een beperking en verlichting voor families die lijden.


*This is a combined summary of International China Concern’s finances for the year 2022. It reports on operational activities in ICC’s International Office and China-based operations. It does not include the operational activities of our network of ICC national offices. Audited reports of individual national offices can be obtained directly through each office.*

Wees de eerste die het weet

Reis met ICC mee, zodat we samen impact kunnen hebben op de levens van China’s meest kwetsbare kinderen. Wees de eerste die nieuws krijgt over hoe uw steun een betere, lichtere toekomst creëert voor kinderen en families.

Een reis van duizend mijl begint met een enkele stap.’
- Chinees gezegde